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Sunday, 2 September 2018

Tutorial - Surface Crochet

I've really been getting into surface crochet, it all started when I did the Scheepjes 2017 CAL and Kirsten Ballering's fab Hygge Shawl. Here is an example of the diamond surface crochet on the Rainbow colourway, looks so effective!

It was the first time I had done surface crochet 'properly'. I had tried in the past and ended up with an ugly wonky line and then given up pretty quickly, thinking its not really for me. However during this CAL I really learnt how to master it and can't believe I hadn't been using it for years, it is such a quick and easy way to pep up a project or design.

So I am planning on a few new designs using surface crochet, however I find it really hard to explain in a written pattern so thought I would put together a photo tutorial. Mainly this will make my life easier when writing my patterns as I can just link to this instead of hurting my brain each time!

So surface crochet, here we go...

Step 1

Holding your yarn at the back, from the front of your crochet insert your crochet hook in between 2 stitches all the way through to the back of the piece...

Step 2

Hook the yarn at the back and pull the hook back through to the front so you have 1 loop on your hook...

Step 3

Keeping the loop on the hook, insert your hook in between the next 2 stitches, all the way to the back of the piece again...

Step 4

As Step 2, hook the yarn and pull the hook back through to the front of the piece. You will now have 2 loops on your hook...

Step 5

Pull the second loop through the first one to make a stitch. You will now have 1 loop on your hook and have made your first surface crochet stitch!

Continue with Steps 1 to 5 until you have finished the piece.

And done!

You can work your surface crochet in difference directions, circles, straight lines. Make letters or pictures, the options are endless. In my experience if you do wish to do this it works the best into UK double crochet stitches.

Happy hooking!

© All images belong to Kelly of lovedotty unless otherwise stated. Please link to pictures, content or DIY's if used on your own website. Crochet patterns are written by Kelly of lovedotty unless otherwise stated, please link to original post if used on your own website. Feel free to sell the finished product that has been created from the pattern, if sold via a website, please link to lovedotty blogspot. However please do not publish patterns in full or as your own, unless agreed by Kelly of lovedotty


  1. Thank you!! I just learnt how to surface crochet.. yay! Appreciate your easy to follow instructions.

  2. Thank you so much, I'm really pleased you found it helpful! 😊

  3. Such an easy tutorial to follow, thank you 👍 Probably too much to ask but please could you do a tutorial for single surface crochet stitch on top of hdc - straight lines and letters would be great!

  4. Thanks this will help me a lot for my crocheting projects and career 😁
