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Saturday, 30 June 2018

And another blanket! Geo-Squares!

A little delayed but here is a project I completed last year that I meant to share! Hot on the heels of my Vintage Patch blanket I started another. 2017 was definitely a vintage blanket year for me!

Cept for this one it wasn't for keeping unfortunately. The purpose, my brother was moving into a flat, and all family and friends whether they like it or not, get inflicted with a handmade crochet gift for such an event! And because I am the best sister, and the blanket was going to take sooo long, I made him this little cactus to keep him going..

Pattern (and kit) for this was from Simply Crochet magazine, sorry I forget which issue but it was last summer!!

I absolutely have a thing about clashing colours, in the right pattern it can look so effective and vibrant, the 'clashier' the better! And what better way to mix clashing colours in a simple geometric pattern offset with a muted grey. Makes it a bit more male friendly too! And another great thing about clashing colours is you can just attack your stash and use up all those odd colours you never though you would have a purpose for!

For the pattern I just used a simple treble crochet square, worked in rows, colour changing as you went along to create two diamonds. Colour changing projects can be so satisfying if you get it nice and neat. I made a stonking 120 of these and then sewed them together and edged with a simple treble stitch.

And tadah…

I think it looks really effective!

And it didn't even take that long, the simplicity of the pattern and variation of the colour change meant it was a really easy go-to project.

So yes my brother loved it and I struggled to let it go to be honest. I am definitely making another!

Happy Hooking!

© All images belong to Kelly of lovedotty unless otherwise stated. Please link to pictures, content or DIY's if used on your own website. Crochet patterns are written by Kelly of lovedotty unless otherwise stated, please link to original post if used on your own website. Feel free to sell the finished product that has been created from the pattern, if sold via a website, please link to lovedotty blogspot. However please do not publish patterns in full or as your own, unless agreed by Kelly of lovedotty 

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