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Sunday, 23 July 2017

Crocheting with Paper

When I first saw paper yarn become available I have to admit I thought it a bit daft. What was the point, if you get it wet it is useless, you can't clean it (because if you get it wet it is useless) and it looked a pain to crochet with...I mean, surely the paper would break easily right???
Well one day whilst perusing the yarn clearance rack in Hobbycraft (which I never do btw,...never, ....honestly husband) there was some paper yarn for sale.

And it looked so pretty with its variagated pinks and blues and purples, so I bought some. All my previous thoughts vanished from my mind because, well, it looked pretty!! So I got it home and looked at it, sat it on the sideboard with my other yarns and admired how pretty it was. Husband came home, looked at it and grunted how stupid paper yarn was (for all the previous reasons I thought). I acknowledged his point and pointed out the pretty colours to him but he just didn't get it (strange I know!).

Anyway after a few days, I thought maybe I should try to crochet something with it. So I went onto good ol' Pinterest to get a few ideas. Most things coming up were kitchenware, placemats and coasters so I thought I would give a placemats a go. So after going back to Hobbycraft to buy some more (ahem), I started with a bog standard crochet in the round and surprisingly I actually found it a pleasure to crochet with. However, the finished product did look like something my son had made at nursery. I think it is beause I had used treble crochet and it really looks better in double crochet. So I frogged it, which is a bad idea with paper yarn as if you overwork the paper it becomes flimsy and looks worn when you try to crochet with it again. You need to keep it as crisp as possible.

So with a new ball opened I had a brainwave! I had planned an Easter Egg hunt for my son and his cousins and I thought, why don't I make the Easter Baskets!!!! Out of Paper Yarn!!!! So after buying more paper yarn (well the kids had to have different colour baskets right?!!!!) I set to work with a basic double crochet basket pattern and plaited the yarn to make the handles

Amazingly not only did I enjoy the process but they also crocheted up really quickly. The finished articles looked lovely and the kids were very pleased to receive them, although not as pleased as they were to fill them with chocolate eggs. My little boy still uses his, it is so cute!

So I still had a bit of yarn left over and with no plans to finish my paper yarn crochet journey there, I whipped up a little basket to keep my projects in

I would love to share the free pattern here - Paper Basket Pattern

Moral of the story, always give it a go before judging the outcome.......and always buy that ball of clearance yarn, you never know! 

Happy Hooking!

© All images belong to Kelly of lovedotty unless otherwise stated. Please link to pictures, content or DIY's if used on your own website. Crochet patterns are written by Kelly of lovedotty unless otherwise stated, please link to original post if used on your own website. Feel free to sell the finished product that has been created from the pattern, if sold via a website, please link to lovedotty blogspot. However please do not publish patterns in full or as your own, unless agreed by Kelly of lovedotty 

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