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Wednesday, 17 May 2017

What have I been up to!

So it has been a while since I last blogged and that's mainly because my laptop has been playing up and I just lost my patience in the end! So my planned regular updates on my CAL shawl never really happened, I only managed two, Week 1 & Week 2 & 3 and we are now in the final week!

The good news is, although I have been behind on my blogging, I am on track with the shawl (well the rainbow anyway, the pastel will now be a filler project!)
This is the shawl as of a couple of weeks ago. I have finished all the crochet and cross stitch now, just the lining to go but thought I would do a final reveal once that is done.

And what am I doing with the finished shawl? Well as mentioned in previous blogs, I hadn't actually thought of a practical use for the finished item, I just wanted to make it (common crafter affliction!) However, having admired myself in the mirror the other day I think I will use it as an actual shawl. It looks so lush and I felt all hygge and cosy! To clarify though, the rainbow shawl is actually for my mum, and the pastel shawl is for me, so I will 'borrow' mum's shawl until mine is done (mum, if you are reading, that's ok right???)

So did I keep up each week with this CAL? Did I heck!!! I got to the centre panel where you just had to crochet a load of dc rows and my mind wandered. I dipped into a few other projects in between. As soon as I got my mojo back I was on track and did the last three panels in about a week!

I have to say I found the whole CAL thoroughly enjoyable and I will miss getting my weekly update. I am definitely going to do another CAL soon!

So in between this, I have also been working on my Vintage Patch Blanket which I have mentioned before and given updates on my Facebook page: -

I am now working on the 5th round, last one before joining which will be a join as you go. I will do a blog post when I am finished!

I have also had a go with those pointy stick things...yes I knitted. Just because I fancied a change, but as much as I enjoyed the mummy and baby owl project I chose, I did breathe a sigh of relief to pick up my trusty hook again!
Oh and course, it is Spring, my favourite time of the year, so aswell as crafting I have been enjoying the brief sunny weather we have had so far in my lovely garden. And it also meant I got to put my bunting up!
Happy Hooking!
Kelly @ lovedotty
© All images belong to Kelly of lovedotty unless otherwise stated. Please link to pictures, content or DIY's if used on your own website. Crochet patterns are written by Kelly of lovedotty unless otherwise stated, please link to original post if used on your own website. Feel free to sell the finished product that has been created from the pattern, if sold via a website, please link to lovedotty blogspot. However please do not publish patterns in full or as your own, unless agreed by Kelly of lovedotty

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