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Wednesday, 22 February 2017

My Very First CAL!!! Scheepjes CAL 2017 Week 1 Progress!

So the new year is full of new things to try and I always say I will try something I haven't done before but then the creature of comfort that I usually am, thinks 'nah', I'll crack on with something that I don't have to think too much about!
Well this year was pretty much going to be the same, until I saw this.....

I absolutely fell in love with this shawl by that was going become the 2017 Scheepjes Crochet-A-Long, the theme of which is hygge! Hygge means cosiness, comfort, happiness etc.. all the lovely things in life that make you happy and that is why it is my new favourite word! I'm all about the 'hygge' at the moment!

So anyway, when I saw this shawl was going to be a CAL, I was a tad disappointed. I have never done one before, they have never appealed to me as I don't like having to wait for the next bit. When I am stuck into a project I just like to get on with it! I remained tempted, and then the decision was made after discovering my sister-in-law was taking part! Doing the CAL with someone else sounded like fun, and would help keep me motivated (I hope anyway!)

Next challenge was which kit to get. They came in four gorgeous colour ways, plus there was an option of putting your own colour way together. The latter was never an option to me as I can be a bit of stickler with things like that. If a pattern tells me to use certain colours, I have to do just that! Maybe it is because I like someone else to do the thinking for me! I have to think enough when designing my own projects!

So I finally plumped for Rainbow, which is the one featured in the picture above. I loved the contrast of the bright colours against the grey background. However, when I went to order they were out of stock and I couldn't possibly wait 2 whole days till they were back in stock! So I ordered my second choice Pastel. Don't think just because it was my second choice it was not as stunning as it really is, and thinking about it, complemented my house and wardrobe a lot better!

Sooooooo, after 2 days my box arrived!!! How excited was I!

It is made up of Scheepjes Stone Wash for the shawl and Scheepjes Catona cotton for the 'decorating'. The stonewash is an absolute joy to crochet with, I will be planning a cardigan I think after this! And as for the Catona balls, they come in little 25g balls, and they are so cute and yummy. They do over a hundred different shades and I want them all....

So week 1 is all about the bobbles! I have bobbled a bit before so I found it fairly straightforward, only a half a row of frogging took place! I best not get too confident yet, I am sure I will struggle later!

Cuddled up on the sofa with crochet and Dotty for company, yes I was feeling very hygge....

However, there was one thing bugging me....I couldn't get Rainbow out of my head, so when my mum offered to buy a kit if I made it for her, I didn't hesitate.
Now to wait patiently (ahem) until it arrived...

And here are those scrummy Catona balls...

So my first ever CAL and I decide to do two! I am totally addicted and would do the other 2 kits if I could afford it! (Ps, if anyone else out there wants to buy me the kit to make the shawl for them, I would happily do that!!)

So end of week 1, and here is how I got on...


I ended up using the 4.5mm hook the pattern advises, but as I do crochet quite tight it is already a tad narrow than it is meant to be. But I am not fretting.....yet!

So next up is week 2 which involves cross stitch! Wish me luck!

Happy hooking

© All images (with the exception of the first image, which belongs to Scheepjes, belong to Kelly of lovedotty unless otherwise stated. Please link to pictures, content or DIY's if used on your own website. Crochet patterns are written by Kelly of lovedotty unless otherwise stated, please link to original post if used on your own website. Feel free to sell the finished product that has been created from the pattern, if sold via a website, please link to lovedotty blogspot. However please do not publish patterns in full or as your own, unless agreed by Kelly of lovedotty

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