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Thursday, 1 October 2015

That time of year!

I am so happy that Summer is over and Autumn has begun. I absolutely love this time of year, changing leaves, cooler weather, home comforts and a slow decline into Christmas. Don't get me wrong, its not that I dislike Summer, its just I'm not a fan of the heat, and lets face it Autumn is much better suited to curling up on an evening with your latest crochet project!

Like Spring, Autumn is a transitional month and brings so much inspiration to creative thoughts. My mind is always bursting this year with ideas of things to make. Which is quite handy considering I really need to start thinking of Christmas. I know it is really annoying when everyone starts going on about Christmas too early, but when you are a crafter it is necessary.

So I have some great ideas for Christmas crochet lovelies. Last year I made some lovely leaf design coasters which I gave as gifts, which were definitely inspired by the changes of Autumn.

I love making coasters so who knows, maybe some more coasters will find their way under the tree again this year!

As for decorations, last year I made this lovely wreath

I plan on sending the husband up into the loft soon to dig it out so I can write up a tutorial here on my blog if anyone is interested!

Anyway I think that is enough of Christmassy talk, too early to think about digging out decorations, lets enjoy Autumn while we can, so crisp morning walks, cosy makes, hot chocolate and curling up on the sofa for me. Lovely!

Happy hooking!

© All images belong to Kelly of lovedotty unless otherwise stated. Please link to pictures, content or DIY's if used on your own website. Crochet patterns are written by Kelly of lovedotty unless otherwise stated, please link to original post if used on your own website. Feel free to sell the finished product that has been created from the pattern, if sold via a website, please link to lovedotty blogspot. However please do not publish patterns in full or as your own, unless agreed by Kelly of lovedotty. 

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