As mentioned before I have a gorgeous 6 month old baby boy and these last few weeks we have been getting his nursery ready for him to move into. To distract myself from the fact that my little baby is growing up, I am (of course) having fun planning crochet projects to decorate his room, which to be honest is something I thought of way before I even got pregnant!
As my husband is a bit of a geek and likes dinosaurs, he was kinda hoping our boy will follow suit so we have planned a dino theme! With this is mind, along with the obligatory toys, I wanted to create some sort of dino decoration and stumbled across this lovely dinosaur bunting in issue 56 of Inside Crochet magazine
Benjamin Bunting from Inside Crochet Magazine - look so cute! |
It was quick and easy and a lot of fun to make, I may even make some more to put on a cushion cover!
The next project was something I had always had in the back of mind to create and that is my baby letter blocks. Bright and colourful they will look lovely displayed in the nursery and then as a toy when my boy gets older.
My letter blocks - very kindly arranged by my son above (ahem!) |
I absolutely love the finished product and had so much fun making them. I picked out the brightest colours I could find from my yarn stash (this project is a great stash buster) and got to work. Firstly I got some foam cubes which I sourced from a local market and ended up costing less than a fiver for ten cubes. Next I needed to work out the pattern starting with the sizes to fit the cubes.I did a few tester squares first using different sized hooks to see which gave the best effect, I wanted the tension to be quite tight with no holey bits. Once I had designed the patters for the 26 letters of the alphabet I could get to work.
I am really happy with the finished project and think they look really effective. I have some cubes left over so may make a couple of dice. I was also thinking the letters all sewn together would make a fab blanket / wall rug to help little ones learn their alphabet.
I really hope to publish the letter patterns on my blog at some point, if anyone would be interested?
So onto the next projects, I have a few more dino toys to make, then I was thinking of a sign for his door, then maybe another blanket for his cot (he already has six I have made), a rug, more bunting........................